Walking in Manhattan Beach last month, I met a gentleman who had posted a piece of paper on his minivan.
The white sheet with back letters read:
“My insurance was cancelled because of ObamaCare.”
I would have never expected someone to air such a frustrating grievance, but such outrageous outcomes must be shared.
When I discussed the issue, he told me that because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, his insurance coverage was cancelled. His heart doctor had informed him that if the law passed, he would quit his practice.
I wonder what Waxman was thinking when he helped pass the Affordable Care Act. The law has created the exact opposite of its intended effects, and all the emails in the world cannot cover up the continuous incompetence of this ill-conceived legislation.
In 2012, shortly before the June primary, Congressman Henry Waxman admitted in a House budget committee hearing that he did not know that General Motors went bankrupt.
The colleague asking about GM7, Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, reminded him: “Well, it did. I am surprised you hadn’t heard about it. It was the second largest bankruptcy in US history, if not the largest.”
Relating how retired teachers and police officers’ pension funds were defunded to bail out GM, Mulvaney asked: “Since you supported the bailouts, what would you like to tell them?”
On behalf of every resident of the 33rd Congressional district who is losing his health insurance, or struggling to find a doctor, or paying higher health care premiums because of ObamaCare, Henry
Waxman’s signature legislation, I ask the Congressman:
“What would you like to tell them?”
To everyone reading, I ask:
“What would you like to tell Waxman? What should happen to him in 2014?”