Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brad Sherman -- Endorse Bill Bloomfield!

To Congressman Sherman: Endorse Bill Bloomfield!
The Berman-Sherman race is getting quite a bit of attention.

Every member of the California Democratic caucus has endorsed Berman, along with the two US Senators, Barbara Boxed and Diane Feinstein.

Recently, GOP Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham stepped in to endorse Howard Berman, presumably because of his seniority has his stronger record of supporting Israel.

Despite the big names giving big endorsements to Berman, Brad Sherman is polling ahead of the 30 year incumbent, the "Emperor Palpatine" in modern-day dress who can no longer depend on his brother to shake hands and line up district boundaries in the best interests of entrenched incumbents like Berman and his machine partner in politics Henry Waxman.

Early on, Waxman tried to push Sherman out of the newly-drawn 30th Congressional district in favor his old pal Berman, yet Sherman refused to budge. Twice Waxman has written to the Jewish Journal to blast their open, even analysis of the two legislators. Even though the Jewish Journal neglected to include Sherman's face on one cover covering prominent LA Jews, the junior Congressman commands a senior lead over the elder "statesman"

Sherman ought to consider endorsing Independent Candidate Bill Bloomfield, the challenger who can bring down Waxman just as Sherman is bringing down Berman.

Sherman wants to shore up Independent and Republican voters. By endorsing an independent in the race just south of him, Sherman will send the message to voters that he is willing to work across the aisle and working with candidates who want to work out issues, not just work on getting reelected.
Bloomfield and Sherman are seeking the same constituents - everyone. They are both taking on long-term machine-politician incumbents who have been pulling the levers and strings of Southern California politics for too long. They both have demonstrated a willingness to reach out to everyone, regardless of party.

Sherman should consider endorsing the challenger to the same Congressman who has been pushing against him to get out of the race from the very beginning. I am pretty sure that Democratic bylaws would not prevent Sherman from supporting an independent candidate, either. What's more, Sherman can start flexing his own political star power and make himself the new kingmaker for the San Fernando Valley.

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