Saturday, September 22, 2012

Waxman's Take on Bill Bloomfield

Calling Out Bloomfield?
Waxman Leaving Office!
Patch: What do you think of your opponent, Independent candidate Bill Bloomfield?

Waxman: My opponent Mr. Bloomfield has a record of being in the Republican Party. I’m proud of being a Democrat. I’ve been a Democrat all my political career and I’m proud of being a Democrat and what I fight for. He has been a Republican and he’s now saying he’s an Independent. I don’t know what that means to be an Independent when he has been a lifelong Republican and he’s given to McCain and Romney and John Boehner. I would presume he’s going to side with the Republicans more often than not and if he left the Republican Party because they’re extreme, he’s right about that. The partisanship we’ve seen and the inability for Congress to act to get things done is based on the extremism in the Republican Party.

Congressman Henry Waxman is proud of being a member of the Democratic Party.

The same party that stands staunchly with public sector unions, even while states across the country are struggling to establish solvent budgets because of pension and benefits obligations, which they can no longer afford.

In California, three cities have already filed for bankruptcy, and Mr. Waxman does not seem to care.

How many times has the Democratic-controlled legislature in Sacramento refused to pass a budget which contains no accounting gimmicks or rosy projections which have no bearing on the fiscal realities menacing the state?

The same Democratic party refuses to pass legislation that will expedite the removal of predatory teachers who harm our children in the classroom.

The same Democratic party has pushed abortion yet refuses to deal with the abortive tax code which is driving out businesses and driving up unemployment.

Waxman can wax grand about his Democratic affiliation all he wants, but he certainly cannot run on his record, no more than President Obama and his failed policies of stimulus, healthcare reform, domestic and international protection, among the string of debts and deficits which are defeating this country over the long haul.

Mr. Bloomfield has chosen to run as an independent, while Congressman Waxman chooses to remain dependent on special interests and public sector lobbies to retain money and power.

The anti-incumbency movement is fully manifest  in the state of California. Even the most popular California Democrat Dianne Feinstein is polling her worst numbers. Mr. Waxman is in big trouble, and he cannot run from his record, no matter what he does.

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