Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"The Thing I Love to do is Legislate!"

"The thing I love to do," Mr. Waxman once said, "is legislate." (New York Times -- http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/w/henry_a_waxman/index.html)

If Henry Waxman loves to legislate, then why has he not offered any much needed revisions and clarifications to the Clean Water Act?

If Henry Waxman loves to legislate, then how come he did not know what was in his own Cap and Trade bill? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3zIoiJc3Xc)

If Henry Waxman loves to legislate, then why did he ram through Congress a health insurance mandate, or tax, or a tax mandated for those who do not purchase health insurance, so that we could see what was in the bill, as former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so unwisely announced?

And why did he go out of his way to conceal the real costs of the law? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcX9oc1MLQ4&feature=relmfu)

If Henry Waxman loves to legislate, then why did he refuse to pass any oversight laws over the spending of multi-billion dollar loan guarantees, nineteen of which have failed over the past two years?

If he loves to legislate, then where was he during the post office and check-kiting scandals of the mid-1990s, which ultimately brought down the Democratic House Majority for the first time in forty years?

A love of legislation is a love for micro-managing and regulating the American people. After nearly four years of spending, writing, and implementing, the nation is still hemorrhaging under the slowest recovery in recent memory, and legislation has done nothing to make the mess any better.

This is nonsense pure and simple. We do not need more laws - we need leaders who read the needs of their constituents, not seek to bolster the greed of trial attorneys while exploding the size and scope of the federal government.

"The thing I love to do," Mr. Waxman once said, "is legislate."

Let us send a legislator to Congress who will deal with the real issues, not talk up conservation all while spending massive amounts of money this country does not have.

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