Friday, July 20, 2012

Bloomfield Raised Ten-to-One Against Waxman

Bill Bloomfield has the money and the mission to take on the Washington establishment. Waxman has no real campaign experience after more than three decades in Congress. Waxman has claimed to represent the narrow interests of health care and enviromental concerns. For all of his politics, the LA Congress has expanded state power without providing for the common good, failing to protect the environment and raising health care premiums with abortive legislation still rejected by a majority of Americans who want to repeal the law.

Waxman has soft-pedaled his way to reelection for the past 17 election cycles.

Bloomfield is not a politician.

He has business experience.

He has demonstrated a commanding savvy to reach out to voters.

While Bloomfield's campaign will be about getting voters to know who he is and what he stands for, Mr. Waxman will spend a greater part of his campaign telling people what George W. Bush did while ignoring and covering up the rank failure of the current administration to cut the deficits, stop the spending, or to enact meaningful health care reform.

Like President Obama, Waxman will spend more time running from his record of status-quo spending and taxation. He will deny his role in implementing one of the largest tax hikes in American history.

In short, Waxman can only claim that he has represented progressive interests in Congress for decades, yet with little to show for all of his political wrangling.

The 33rd deserves better. It's time for a change. Waxman is going down, and a new, independent legislator is slated to take his place.

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