Thursday, July 19, 2012

Harping on the Economy? What about TARP?

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
In October of 2008, the House passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Support and opposition to the legislation were both bipartisan. Henry Waxman voted in favor of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which created the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
Henry Waxman voted in favor of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, which created the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
In September of 2008, the House made an attempt to pass an initial version of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. The attempt failed 205-228. Henry Waxman voted in favor of the initial passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.
Henry Waxman voted in favor of the initial passage of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.


When it failed and when it passed, Henry Waxman supported the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the largest government, taxpayer-backed, corporate bailout in United States History.

He loves to harp on the terrible deficits and spending that the Bush administration brought upon this nation, but he does not want to harp about TARP, the multibillion dollar program which pushed the national debt into another column.

He lambastes the previous administration for the deficit spending, yet he supported the same "spend, spend, spend" policies of the predecessor. And now the incumbent, the standard-bearer for Waxman's policies, is running from a policy of outsourcing taxpayer dollars and jobs to other countries, all while increasing the public debt by 505 in one term!

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